From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.6 (2021-04-09) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-ASN: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.9 required=3.0 tests=ALL_TRUSTED,AWL,BAYES_00, DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID,DKIM_VALID_AU,DKIM_VALID_EF,LOTS_OF_MONEY, MONEY_NOHTML shortcircuit=no autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.6 Received: from localhost ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3C5651F568; Sun, 12 May 2024 22:42:51 +0000 (UTC) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=selector1; t=1715553771; bh=kPbCxY9ZljTY6pF9UdAW+Q5YEuUVGZmxJi8hmAN9tP0=; h=Date:From:To:Subject:From; b=c4vF6Z6oeP20/Xh7ZMs00OYIuZJdC3hOSCD3Mv1t93lqvxPJIJY9AUkeYuVg3pmBY MPLC8MmPVMTiEbuimipLAx6ZuYSYfjLGokKh+ONlcNjZYStp5Pis6BNbq/2x64Ss7g i2AE8X5B8wdue11QRW4l+WC8g5b0ZzjQhUd4oDeQ= Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 22:42:51 +0000 From: Eric Wong To: Subject: greylist example Message-ID: <20240512224251.M136833@dcvr> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: inline List-Id: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use v5.12; use autodie qw(open); use DBI; use Fcntl qw(LOCK_EX LOCK_UN); use IO::Handle (); use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT); # sample Postfix greylister using SQLite # # in /etc/postfix/ # # policy unix - n n - - spawn # user=foo argv=/usr/bin/perl -w /path/to/greylist.perl # # in /etc/postfix/ # # smtpd_recipient_restrictions = # ... # reject_unauth_destination # check_policy_service unix:private/policy # ... # make sure user= in line can write to this my $db_file = '/var/lib/greylist/greylist.sqlite3'; my $delay = 60; my ($dbh, $lockfh, $dbg, %GREY_ADDR); my $pi_config = '/home/pi/.public-inbox/config'; if (-r $pi_config) { open my $fh, '-|', qw(git config -z -l --includes -f), $pi_config; local $/ = "\0"; my @l = grep /\.address\n/, <$fh>; chomp(@l); $GREY_ADDR{(split(/\n/, $_, 2))[1]} = undef for @l; } sub xflock ($$) { until (flock($_[0], $_[1])) { return unless $!{EINTR} } 1; } # Demo SMTPD access policy routine. The result is an action just like # it would be specified on the right-hand side of a Postfix access # table. Request attributes are available via the %attr hash. sub smtpd_access_policy ($) { my ($attr) = @_; my $recipient = lc $attr->{recipient}; return 'dunno' unless exists $GREY_ADDR{$recipient}; state $get = $dbh->prepare(<<''); SELECT expires FROM greystate WHERE key = ? state $upd = $dbh->prepare(<<''); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO greystate (key,expires) VALUES (?,?) state $clean = $dbh->prepare(<<''); DELETE FROM greystate WHERE expires < ? my $key = $attr->{client_address}; $key =~ s/\.[0-9]+\z// or $key =~ s/:[0-9a-f]+\z//i; $key .= '|'.lc($attr->{sender}); $get->bind_param(1, $key); xflock $lockfh, LOCK_EX; $dbh->begin_work; $get->execute; my ($ok_at) = $get->fetchrow_array; if (defined $ok_at) { $dbh->rollback; xflock $lockfh, LOCK_UN; time >= $ok_at ? 'dunno' : 'defer_if_permit still greylisted'; } else { my $now = time; $upd->bind_param(1, $key); $upd->bind_param(2, $now + $delay); $clean->bind_param(1, $now - 86400 * 31); $clean->execute; $upd->execute; $dbh->commit; xflock $lockfh, LOCK_UN; syslog 'info', "greylisted $key"; 'defer_if_permit Greylisted'; } } openlog 'greylist', 'pid', 'mail'; $| = 1; open $dbg, '>>', "/tmp/dbg.$<.greylist"; my $pid = $$; if ($dbg) { $dbg->autoflush; open STDERR, '>&', $dbg; print $dbg "$pid | $_\n" for (sort keys %GREY_ADDR); } open $lockfh, '>>', "$db_file.grey-flock"; $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_file", '', '', { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, sqlite_use_immediate_transaction => 1, sqlite_see_if_its_a_number => 1, }) or die "failed to open $db_file: $!"; $dbh->do('PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL'); $dbh->sqlite_busy_timeout(60_000); # slow disk :< xflock $lockfh, LOCK_EX; $dbh->do(<<'EOS'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS greystate ( key TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, expires INTEGER NOT NULL, UNIQUE (key) ) EOS xflock $lockfh, LOCK_UN; my ($k, $v, $attr, $action); while () { if (/([^=]+)=(.*)\n/) { $k = substr($1, 0, 512); $v = substr($2, 0, 512); $attr->{$k} = $v; print $dbg "$pid < $k=$v\n" if $dbg; } elsif ($_ eq "\n") { $action = smtpd_access_policy $attr; print $dbg "$pid > $action\n" if $dbg; print 'action='.$action."\n\n"; %$attr = (); } else { chop; syslog 'error', 'unhandled garbage: %.100s', $_; } }